About Me (and my blog)

Hello! My name is Claire. I'm a 19 year-old Shakespeare nerd in her second year of college. This blog is intended to assist any budding Shakespeare lover (or those of you who have to read Shakespeare in class and just want to get it over with) in understanding the more difficult aspects of his works. This blog will summarize plays--by act and scene--in modern terms, helping you to better understand what exactly is happening on that stage.
I'm not a professional translator by any means, but I sincerely hope that my blog helps with all your Hamlet and Othello woes. Good night and good morrow, everyone!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Doth thou call me a stranger? (Hamlet - Nicknames)

I know what you're all thinking: Claire, what wonderful, magical, dramatic Shakespeare wonder will you analyze first?

Well, my fellow confused Shakespeare readers, we're going to start with my favorite. It's a tale of the mind, the heart, and the murder. It's the story of a Prince of Denmark, so crazy that he may not actually be crazy. That's right, everyone...


Monday, October 24, 2016