About Me (and my blog)

Hello! My name is Claire. I'm a 19 year-old Shakespeare nerd in her second year of college. This blog is intended to assist any budding Shakespeare lover (or those of you who have to read Shakespeare in class and just want to get it over with) in understanding the more difficult aspects of his works. This blog will summarize plays--by act and scene--in modern terms, helping you to better understand what exactly is happening on that stage.
I'm not a professional translator by any means, but I sincerely hope that my blog helps with all your Hamlet and Othello woes. Good night and good morrow, everyone!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Ay, Springes to Catch Woodcocks" (Hamlet - Act 1 / Scene 3, Polonius Speech #2)

Polonius also lectures Ophelia. After she reveals that Hamlet has been very affectionate to her, Polo Shirt warns her in the same way as L'art--that Hamlet's affections are not to be trusted.

"Don't talk to him, okay?"
The speech breaks down as:

His vows are traps for stupid birds. I know
When a man is on fire, (fire=desire/passion)
He will swear anything to you. These blazes,
Giving more light than heat, (light=affection)
Die out as soon as the promises appear.
Don't mistake this for true love.
From now on,
Spend less time with Hamlet. Talk to him less.
Hold yourself at a higher standard.
Make yourself an important commodity/a precious good.
Hamlet is young.
He has more freedom
Than you. Ophelia,
Do not believe his declarations of love.
They are like pimps,
Wearing flashy clothes and bringing women to unholy acts.
They urge sinful actions while speaking as if holy.
From now on, I would not
Waste your time talking with Hamlet.
Do as I say. Come along.

Polo Shirt is a very protective father, don't you think?

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